The Masters Craft ceramic ware boutique in the basement shopping area of Palace Hotel Tokyo is pure proof of what we already know: nobody masters the art of minimalism as well as the Japanese.
Everything in this store, including how each individual item is displayed on the shelves and counters, manifests the skill of leaving all else out except what is needed for balance; of not being afraid of empty space, and of allowing every piece to tell its complete visual and tactile story.
For inspiration, they visited the Masters Craft headquarters in Mizunami city, located in the Tono region of Gifu in central Japan, where ceramics production dates back 1300 years. The trees, mountains and silence of the neighboring area inspired the 14 tree-trunk- poles suspended from the ceiling. The visually prominent materials of the shop interior -- Castor Aralia tree and ceramic tiles – also speak the language of the region.
Everything in this store, including how each individual item is displayed on the shelves and counters, manifests the skill of leaving all else out except what is needed for balance; of not being afraid of empty space, and of allowing every piece to tell its complete visual and tactile story.
For inspiration, they visited the Masters Craft headquarters in Mizunami city, located in the Tono region of Gifu in central Japan, where ceramics production dates back 1300 years. The trees, mountains and silence of the neighboring area inspired the 14 tree-trunk- poles suspended from the ceiling. The visually prominent materials of the shop interior -- Castor Aralia tree and ceramic tiles – also speak the language of the region.
La tienda de cerámica Masters Craft en los sótanos comerciales del Palace Hotel Tokyo es una la prueba de lo que ya sabemos: nadie domina el arte del minimalismo como los japoneses.
Todo en esta tienda, incluyendo la forma en que se muestra cada elemento individual en los estantes y mostradores, ponen en manifiesto la habilidad para eliminar todo excepto lo que se necesita para mantener el equilibrio, de no tener miedo al espacio vacío, y de permitir que cada pieza cuente su historia visual y táctil.
En busca de inspiración, visitaron la sede de Masters Craft en la ciudad de Mizunami, situada en la región Tono de Gifu, en el centro de Japón, donde la producción de la cerámica se remonta hasta hace 1300 años. Los árboles, las montañas y el silencio de la zona vecina inspiraron a los 14 troncos de árbol suspendidos del techo. Los materiales del interior de la tienda - madera de Castor Aralia y baldosas cerámicas - también hablan el idioma de la región.
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