Las imágenes que acompañan este post forman parte del proyecto final de un curso de fotografía que hice el otoño pasado. El reto que me propuse era encontrar objetos que en espacios comerciales tuviesen un uso distinto al habitual. De esta manera mataba dos pájaros de un tiro combinando mi pasión por los interiores comerciales con mi nueva afición por la fotografía.
The following images are part of my final project for a photography course I did last fall. The challenge was to find objects in retail spaces that had a different use than the ordinary. This way I was combining my passion for retail spaces with my new hobby.
The following images are part of my final project for a photography course I did last fall. The challenge was to find objects in retail spaces that had a different use than the ordinary. This way I was combining my passion for retail spaces with my new hobby.
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