lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013


The existing shop windows provide contact with the exterior that is important for a restaurant in the city center. However, the revolving screens resembling the means of storing wine bottles in boxes, allow the shop windows to be closed completely. But they do not become blind, they transform into a large restaurant’s logo.

Los escaparates proporcionan el contacto con el exterior necesario en un restaurante del centro de la ciudad. Sin embargo, las pantallas giratorias que recuerdan a la forma de almacenar las botellas de vino en cajas, permiten cerrar completamente los ventanales. Pero no los dejan ciegos, los transforman en un gran logo del restaurante.

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Red Pif Restaurant and Wine Shop by Aulík Fišer Architekti

Via Dezeen
Project by Aulík Fišer Architekti

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